About Us
The Foundation, the Academic Institute, the Library and the Museum were born in 2020, in an unusual as it is difficult period for the history of humanity as a whole and derive from the Simmetria Study Center, founded by Claudio Lanzi in 1975, and from the homonymous Academy and Association, born in 1999.
The Foundation has two salient activities: the first is exquisitely didactic and formative and is carried out by the Simmetria Institute; the second in embodied by the Library Museum, which has collected particular works and texts received as donations from the Lanzi familiy and other friends with similar interests (Hersoch, Partini, Fontecedro, etc.). These objects are now available to the public.
The philosophical-symbolic character of the collection means that the whole is set up with “Renaissance” and at the same time “medieval” criteria, in the sense that science, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, metaphysics, religiosity, hermeticism and alchemy are part of a single doctrinal corpus.

The Library Museum in Attigliano is and offers therefore an almost unique itinerary of its kind, in which the subtle but explicit connections between works and books have been developed with great love, thus creating a museum-library based on thematics and not divided into separated sections.
The following authors have participated in the publications, conferences, lectio magistralis, conferences of Simmetria, to whom all our gratitude and gratitude goes:
Ezio Albrile, Francesca Antonacci, Jan Andres, Gregorio Bardini, Pablo Beneito, Mariano Bizzarri, Antonio Bonifacio, Maria Brugnoli, Daniela Cadamuro, C.Carini, Gianluca Ciampi, Claudio Caroli, S.Carrotta, Stella Chiarini, Antonello Colimberti, Alessio Corazza, Victorine Cumero, Jole D’Anna, Nuccio D’Anna, Carla De Gennaro, Anna Maria Del Bello, Boris de Rachelwitz, Alberto de Luca, Alarico di Tuscolo, Biagio Di Carlo, Valentina Dordolo, Epimeteo, Gianfranco Ersoch, Assunta Fanuli, Maria Franca Frola, Roberto Fondi, Daniela Forte, Pio Filippani Ronconi, P.Cassiano Folsom, Dalmazio Frau, Paolo Galiano, Pierluigi Gallo, Riccardo Garbini, Stefania Gianni, Mario Giannitrapani, Maciej Giertych, Adriano Graziotti, Taiten Guareschi, Vittoria Luisa Guidetti, Giorgio Karalis, Luca Lamonaca Elisabetta Landi, Roberto
Laneri, Domizia Lanzetta, Claudio Lanzi, Albert Mayr, LucaLamonaca, Adriano Lanzi, Silvia Lanzi, Paolo Lazzaro, Antonio Luciani, Letizia Lucchesi, Massimo Manuelli, Silvio Maracchia, Massimo Marra, Gianluca Marletta, Valeria Marino, Grazia Mirti, Leopoldo Moschella, Ettore Maria Mazzola, Suelma Moares, Elisabetta Moroni, Simonetta Nicolai, Al Cudi Oz Nahali, Francesca Pacini, Stefania Peluso, Stella Picarò, Pasang Yorten Arya, Anna Maria Partini, P. Alessandro Partini, Stefania Peluso, Padre H.W.Pfeiffer, Massimiliano Alessandro Polichetti,Placido Procesi, Fabrizio Ridolfi, Vittorio Rossi, Maria Luisa Sales, Grazia Sanna, Stefano Serafini, Roberta Simini, Andrey Smirnov, Marisa Stefanelli, Geshe Gedun Tharcin, Franco Todde, Marco Toti, Carlo Valdameri, Francesca Romana Valente, Luca Valentini, Simone Vallerotonda, Luciana Virio, Massimo Vigna, Edmondo Vittoria, Stella Vodermann, Nicola Vox.