Hermetic, Philosophical, Scientific, Artistic Library
The Library consists of about 10.000 volumes, continuously increasing in number, that offer to a comprehensive view of man’s quest, through ancient science, philosophy, history, mathematics, and also myth, rhythm and rite that characterize every experience, every discovery and every aspiration to combine knowledge and conscience. The main corpus of the Library is made up of about 5,000 volumes from the Lanzi collection and the same number from the Ersoch collection. To these are added a few hundred books from the collection of Anna Maria Partini, that of Paolo Galiano, that of Nicola Vox, and others in the process of being accepted. The catalogue can be consulted both on the website and on site. On reservation, ancient and rare books can be requested for consultation, some of which cannot be found. Here we show only some particular works chosen in the section of rare and ancient books (about 500 volumes).